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For Further Reading


Articles and Book Chapters by Other Authors


Chappell, Edward A. “Accommodating Slavery in Bermuda.” Cabin, Quarter, Plantation. Eds. Clifton Ellis and Rebecca Ginsburg. New Haven: Yale UP, 2010, pp. 67-98.


Morgan, Jennifer. Laboring Women: Reproduction and Gender in New World Slavery. Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania P, 2004.


Pulsipher, Lydia Mihelic. “They Have Saturdays and Sundays to Feed Themselves: Slave Gardens in the Caribbean.” Expedition 32, No. 2 (1990), pp. 24-33. Penn Museum,


Articles and Book Chapters by Margot Maddison-MacFadyen


Maddison-MacFadyen, M. and Csank, A. "Mary Prince, Enslavement, Cavendish, and Historic Timber." Historical Geography, 46, (2019), pp. 79-102.


Maddison-MacFadyen, M. "Bermuda's Trade Influence on Slavery in Pre-Emancipation Colonial Canada: Mary Prince, Mary Elsie Tucker, and Tracing the Bermuda Onion through the North Atlantic." In A Black People's History of Canada. Edited by Afua Cooper. Regina, SK: University of Regina Press, forthcoming.


----- "Mary Prince and Grand Turk." Bermuda Journal of Archaeology and Maritime History, 19 (2009), pp. 102-123.


----- "Mary Prince: Black Rebel, Abolitionist, Storyteller." In Critical Insights: The Slave Narrative. Edited by K. Drake. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2014, pp. 1-30.


----- "Mary Prince, Grand Turk and Antigua." Slavery & Abolition: A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave Studies, 34:4 (2013), pp. 653-662.


----- "Piecing Together the Puzzle: The Antiguan years of Mary Prince." Times of the Islands, 94 (2011), pp. 44-48.


----- "Toiling in the Salt Ponds: The Grand Turk years of Mary Prince." Times of the Islands, 84 (2008), pp. 77-88.


----- "This White Woman Has Journeyed Far: Serendipity, Counter-stories, Hauntings, and Ekphrasis as a Type of Poetic Inquiry." Special Edition of the Morning Watch Journal of Educational and Social Analysis. Narratives of Becoming a Researcher. (2013). MacFadyen.pdf.


----- "Turks Islands’ Salt, Enslavement, and the Newfoundland-West Indies Trade."  Newfoundland Quarterly, 105:1 (2012), pp. 40-44.


----- "Yearning for Freedom: The legacy of Mary Prince." Times of the Islands, 83 (2008), pp. 61-69.



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